
Alzirr ltd. focus its business on generic medicines development. Operative all over Europe, and soon to be expanding, the company is composed of a forward-thinking staff, always looking for state-of-the-art technologies and key solutions for its clients.

A modern and efficient Research&Development team provides valuable environmental analysis and studies for every project, and works to develop new products and meet our clients’ needs. Our goal is to keep on testing new solutions and experimenting innovative procedures in order to always fulfill our customers’ expectations and to deliver top-quality products and efficient advice.

We strive for providing a complete, all-inclusive support and service to our clients: we follow every project step by step, and are always eager to assist our customers with our knowledge and advice.

We select, develop and create dossiers and services for new generic pharmaceuticals: from the active principle selection to the certification of bioequivalence, we rely on a staff of experts with a deep knowledge of current standards, as well as of all the necessary paperwork and documentation required for the certification. Every customer knows he’s being cared after from the very start of the process and until the final step – marketing and distribution. Moreover, we help our clients in creating new industry, providing support during every step, sharing expertise and infrastructures, as well as strategic connections and relations.